Slow Speeds

If you find that your connection speed has been reduced, this could be for a number of reasons and the options available will vary depending on the product type you are using.

As with any service of this type however, connection speeds can vary due to a number of factors that are beyond our control (such as network coverage / the quality of the connection, network congestion during peak times etc) and so we are unable to provide you with a connection speed estimate.

For additional information and instructions on how to proceed with any speed issues, please refer to the relevant guide below.

Voice+Data SIM Cards / Voice+Data eSIMs / WiFi Devices
Click here for more information

High Speed Data Allowance:

If you are using a Voice+Data SIM / eSIM or a WiFi device and your connection speeds have reduced, this may indicate that you have exceeded the high speed data allowance included with your plan.

For additional instructions on how to track your data usage and confirm if you have exceeded this allowance, please visit the following link: Data Tracking Guide

If speeds are slow due to you exceeding your allowance and you wish to increase your allowance, please visit the following link for additional information: Increasing Allowance Guide

Ongoing Issues:

If you have not yet exceeded your allowance but you are still receiving slow speeds, please also ensure (this only applies to our Voice+Data SIM / eSIM services) that your device is configured correctly for cellular data access: Android Data Setup / iPhone Data Setup

We would also suggest that you reboot your device (to refresh the connection) and that you test the connection from a different location in case there is a local network issue / the issue is coverage related.

For any ongoing issues with a WiFi device, we would recommend that you disconnect all devices from the Wi-Fi network and switch your Wi-Fi device off for 15 minutes to refresh the connection. Once complete, please switch the Wi-Fi unit back on and connect one device to the Wi-Fi network to retest the connection. If possible, please also test the connection from other locations in case there is a local issue.

Need Further Assistance?

If any issues persist after following these steps and you require further assistance, please send an email to:

In your email, please include your account details (such as your Mobal phone number or your order confirmation number etc) and details of the issue.

Please also provide us with your current location and screenshots of any speed tests you have performed (preferably multiple tests from different locations / at different times for comparison).

If you’re issue relates to a Mobal SIM / eSIM, please also include the make / model of your device and screenshots of any relevant settings (such as your APN profile settings and of your current “Network Mode” / “Preferred Network Type” settings etc).

Data-Only SIM Cards
Click here for more information

High Speed Data Allowance:

If your connection speeds have reduced, this may indicate that you have exceeded the high speed data allowance included with the service (the data allowance will vary depending on the specific SIM you purchased).

Please note that we do not offer a data tracking option for this particular product and so if you wish to keep track of your usage, the only solution would be to utilize a tracker on your device as explained here: Data Tracking Guide

If you have exceeded your allowance and still require access to high speed data, the only solution would be to purchase a new Data-Only SIM Card directly from the Mobal website.

Fair Usage Policy:

If the network receives reports of a high level of usage within a short time frame (usually in excess of 3GB of usage per day), the network may also apply their fair usage policy and restrict your connection speed for 24 – 48 hours.

This restriction would only usually be applied for the following day but if 500MB of data or more is used during this day (while the connection speed is restricted), this restriction may be applied the next day as well.

Once the restriction has been applied, basic internet access would usually still be available (for services such as loading simple web pages, sending an email etc) but results may vary.

If the policy is applied, we would recommend that you disable data for 1 full day (or ensure that you use no more than 500MB of data for one full day) and we would then expect the restriction to be removed the following day.

Ongoing Issues:

If you do not believe that you have exceeded your allowance (or that the networks “Fair Usage Policy” has been applied) but the speed issue persists, please also ensure that your device has been configured correctly for cellular data access: Android Data Setup / iPhone Data Setup

If all settings appear to be correct, we would also recommend that you reboot your device (to refresh the connection) and that you test the connection from different locations as a precaution (in case there is a local network issue / the issue is coverage related).

Need Further Assistance?

If any issues persist after following these steps and you require further assistance, please send an email to:

In your email, please include your account details (such as your order confirmation number or the email address associated with your account) and details of the issue.

Please also provide us with your current location and screenshots of any speed tests you have performed (preferably multiple tests from different locations / at different times for comparison).

Please also include the make / model of your device and screenshots of any relevant settings (such as your APN profile settings and of your current “Network Mode” / “Preferred Network Type” settings etc).

Data-Only eSIMs
Click here for more information

High Speed Data Allowance:

If your connection speeds have reduced, this may indicate that you have exceeded the high speed data allowance included with the service (the data allowance will vary depending on the specific eSIM you purchased).

For instructions on how to monitor your data usage, please visit the following link: Data Tracking Guide

If you have exceeded your allowance and still require access to high speed data, the only solution would be to purchase a new Data-Only eSIM directly from the Mobal website.

Ongoing Issues:

If you do not believe that you have exceeded your allowance but the speed issue persists, please also ensure that your device has been configured correctly for cellular data access: Android Data Setup / iPhone Data Setup

If all settings appear to be correct, we would also recommend that you reboot your device (to refresh the connection) and that you test the connection from different locations as a precaution (in case there is a local network issue / the issue is coverage related).

Need Further Assistance?

If any issues persist after following these steps and you require further assistance, please send an email to:

In your email, please include your account details (such as your order confirmation number or the email address associated with your account) and details of the issue.

Please also provide us with your current location and screenshots of any speed tests you have performed (preferably multiple tests from different locations / at different times for comparison).

Please also include the make / model of your device and screenshots of any relevant settings (such as your APN profile settings and of your current “Network Mode” / “Preferred Network Type” settings etc).