Closing your Mobal Account

If your Mobal service has been fully terminated and you would like to close your Mobal Account, simply send an email to our support team at:

Your email should include your Mobal account details (such as your Mobal Phone Number / SIM Serial Number or your Order Confirmation Number) and the reason for the closure of the account. We will then arrange for your Mobal account to be closed and you will receive a confirmation via email. For security purposes, please also ensure that your message is sent from the email address associated with your Mobal account.

If you have not yet terminated your Mobal service(s) however, you will be required to do this before your account can be closed. For additional instructions on how to submit a termination request, please visit the following link: Termination Guide

If you intend to request the complete removal of your details (i.e. the deletion of your billing information etc) however, please be advised that (due to delays receiving usage reports from the networks) your details must be held on file for 6 months from the termination of your service. When you contact our support team to request this, we will take a note of your request and then arrange for your account to be closed and your details to be removed as soon as we are able to.